In the video below, shaykh Omar AlMuqbil explains to us the importance of Quran recitation and shares with us a new gift ideas that can be given to our relatives or our friends. Indeed such a gift is not only a benefit for us but it is a benefit for everyone else.
هذه رساله قصيره ومفيده الى كل شيعي عاقل, فارجوا من الجميع ان يرسلها لكل شيعي ،إن كان عربيا او اعجمي. ربما نظن ان هذه الرساله فيها فائده للشيعي فقط. بل هي مفيده لنا ايضا، قد تعلمت منها كيفية التعامل مع الطوائف المختلفة ,نعم انه الادب
في الكلام. استمع الى اسلوب الدكتور عمر وهو يخاطبهم وتعلم منه. وكما قيل:
لكل شيءٍ زينةٌ في الورى
وزينةُ المرءِ تمامُ الأدبْ
قد يشرفُ المرءُ بآدابِه
فينا وإن كان وضيعَ الأدبْ
ولذالك انصح نفسي واياكم بنصيحة ابن عباس رضي الله عنه:"اطلب الأدب، فإنه زيادة في العقل، ودليل على المروءة، مؤنس في الوحدة وصاحب في الغربة ومال عند القلة .
This is a short beneficial message to the shias, I ask you please to send it to any shiee individual you may know [Arabic speaker or non arabic speaker], Many of us may think this message is only going to benefit the shias, no by Allah! It is beneficial for all of us, From this message I've learned how to approach other sects, Yes is it mannerism in speech. Listen to Shaykh Omar's way of speech when he is advising them.
Above I have mentioned a beautiful Arabic poem in which I can not translate because the Arabic poem has different rulings when it comes to translation so do forgive me!
and so I advice myself and the rest to Learn mannerism, For indeed knowledge is not complete without mannerism.
استمع وتدبر.. استمع الى الاسباب التي كانت تبكيهم رضوان الله عليهم.. وانظر الى الاسباب التي تبكينا اليوم والله ﺍﻟﻤﺴﺘﻌﺎﻥ!
Lets reflect upon the reason that brought so much tears to the eyes of the companions [may Allah be pleased with them], Allah subhanahu' Wa Talaa said: "Their eyes overflowed with tears out of grief that they could not find something to spend [for the sake of Allah"
Yes... They cried for not having anything to spend for the cause of Allah!! Question is, What makes us cry today? When was the last time we cried for missing such a great opportunity in doing khayr?
Below, Is a short video where shaykh Omar Al-Muqbil helps us to reflect upon the above verse.